3-2-1 Happy new ... web site?
Hello? Is this thing on? Am I doing this right?
Once upon a time, a long long time ago, I got this site domain as a gift from my husband when "dot yoga" became available. Cool! I'll make a web site. People had been blogging for years. Now that it's 2018, blogging is probably passe. Just as I launch mine. There is some irony (or appropriateness) that the only way I managed to find time to get this thing live is to turn a blind eye while my littles spent too much time in front of screens over the holiday break. I suppose that's a version of balance.
I've been a blogger for years. I've written a thousand blog posts. You haven't seen any of them because to date they have all been written by my mind's eye, published only to my mind. "Save as draft." I write these blog posts with this invisible mental ink while hiking, while meditating, while scraping up dried paint and glue abandoned by one of my children's art projects, while running to catch the train.
Technically, you're right. These aren't blog posts that I've written. I'm simply thinking. These are thoughts.
I call this site Work Life Balance, because of the work we do to live our lives in balance. When we fall out of balance, we experience dis-ease. In a yoga asana practice, it's harder to find balance when the lights are dim or there are lots of moving stimuli or the ground is unstable. But life is full of motion and change and instability and darkness comes and goes... that is the practice. The content of this site includes my insights, discoveries, questions related to this journey seeking to find harmony, equanimity, balance. A few of my upcoming offerings - workshops, retreats. What you won't find here: a series of Instagram stories of me doing fancy yoga poses. I believe that niche is well covered!
Two months ago, I went on a Silent Meditation Retreat, which inspired me to write. You'll find my first 10 blog posts (the actual kind that made their way out of my thoughts to the written word) about that experience - several days of meditation and silence and writing. The writing inspired me to play around with this web site thing, finally. Is it working? Is this thing really on?
Photo credit: Lightchaser Photography
A bit more about me.