


at first light

glittering ray of promise

lovingly, you dress in freshly laundered articles

of self-expression



you declare, in boldness

You will smile

upon a stranger

You will be present

You will move with grace

Listen more. Love unconditionally.

You will be patient

with humanity

You will be patient

with yourself

Eat mindfully, the sweet sensorial experience

of a perfectly ripened pear

will move you to the edge of tears

of gratitude and wonder.


you will channel Thich Nhat Hanh

each dish you raise from the sink water, a beacon of purpose

your reflection radiating

peace and kindness to all beings.

Awaken, at first light

the gift of sound arises

bells ring. clarity. holding space

between -- deep velvety


You discover, later - usually, much later - that you cannot remember the moment

when the space between was crowded out. 

Nor can you pinpoint how. Was it ...

the misplaced keys? 

the breaking news?

the snippy response?

the restlessness, the impatience, the doubt




the guilt 

the overflowing

trash bin, mail bin, laundry pile, dishes pile, the to do

to do

to. do.

One breath

one... breath...

begin. again. tenderly

an olive branch

There. Here. Space between.

It's here, again. still. 

it has always been here.


you recognize, humbly,

You will smile

upon an old friend.


Hi, I'm in your driveway, with a kid covered in vomit, can we come in for a visit?

Hi, I'm in your driveway, with a kid covered in vomit, can we come in for a visit?

What's new? 5 steps to "reading the comments" without losing it entirely

What's new? 5 steps to "reading the comments" without losing it entirely