Universal Job Description
Seeing patterns, curious
Lifting the covers
Dis-covering meaning
Revealing truth
Raw form truth, no filter
Holding space
for stories
for tears
for grace
for connection
Unlocking the infinite wisdom
that is already there
Creating space, safety, and stability
for growth
Realizing potency in potential
Allowing, celebrating
Rejecting the refrain
to “do more with less”
Being more (more authentic; kind, vulnerable, resilient)
as a way in to
Less (less misguided energy, less distrust)
That is enough, I remember
You are enough, I teach
This is work
This is life
This is balance
Balance is a myth, they cry! Unattainable!
Balance is simply giving and receiving, reciprocity in relationship, falling, and getting up again
That is enough, I learn
I am enough