Social Distancing, Nature Reconciliation

Social Distancing, Nature Reconciliation

Social distancing (important) has become the social thing to do (virtual dance parties, virtual movie watch parties, virtual stockpiling-your-toilet-paper parties). Ironic how ‘distancing’ has brought some people closer together, or if not exactly closer, connected in the sense of shared experience. Connected in a sense of shared purpose to help people. Connected in a sense of comfort, the comfort of navigating the unfamiliar with the familiar.

And while events and gatherings and schools are being cancelled and closed, the great outdoors beckons. Perhaps COVID-19 will be the cure to Nature Deficit Disorder.

I googled “opposite of distancing.” “Reconciliation” caught my eye (along with union, connection, drawing closer).

Time to reconcile with nature. Avoid crowds. Avoid lines. Avoid touching your face. Avoid avoid avoid. For many, screen time is about to expand upon already unhealthy limits. Kiss and make up with Mother Nature. Run, ramble, scramble, saunter, play in the dirt. And then wash your hands.



Knowing in the unfamiliar

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Trash Talk with an (almost) 8 year old